Carolyn Jung
Food Blogger
Food People
San Francisco
I8tonite with Food Person: San Francisco’s FoodGal, Carolyn Jung
For more than fifty years San Francisco’s Bay Area is considered to be North America’s epicurean kingdom – long before the term Silicon Valley entered into our lexicon and made it a technology-based realm. With American Wine Country, Napa and Sonoma, sitting at the back door along with Thomas Keller’s famed French Laundry, Charles Phan’s […]
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Food Blogger
Food Musings
i8tonite: Gratitude with a Corn Goat Cheese Savory Pudding
A Facebook “friend” asked that ubiquitous question the other day, “What are you grateful for today?” A lot. Six years ago, I walked away from a car crash involving three big rigs and nine other cars on California Interstate 5. It was caused by a dust-storm that felt whipped up by Hades himself, near Bakersfield. […]
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