My Indy Neighbor Makes the Best Jerk Chicken
My neighbor makes the best jerk chicken.
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I8tonite: Media Maven Jennifer Magley & Her Grandmother’s Delicious Rolls
When I first met Jennifer Magley at an event, she offered huge smiles, genuine warmth, displayed a brilliant fashion sense all while listening to an old fart (me) prattle on about nonsense. That very morning, her company downsized leaving her without work. To her credit, she showed grit and resilience by coming out to make […]
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i8tonite: A Day at H8ful Acres by Julie Fisher, Poet
This is the first of the on-going series on Food Musings written by award-winning poet and writer, Julie Fisher. She is also the founder of Litmore, Baltimore’s Center for the Literary Arts. I live on the East Coast, in Northern Baltimore County to narrow it down. We had three days media notice of the impending […]
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I8tonite: with Friends, Team Changes and Mashed Cauliflower
I was watching “Bridesmaids”, the hysterical friends and relationship comedy with Kristen Wiig. Though the movie is heavily based on deep female friendships, there is a poignancy — that as a gay man with a multitude of amazing women comrades I can identify — that underlies the relationships. In one side-splitting scene, and there are […]
Read MorePenny’s Broiled Swordfish and Cilantro Pesto
I was a very naïve eater before I moved to New York. (Actually, I was just naïve but that’s a different matter…and I still can be.) As I’ve said before, my mother with whom I spent most of my upbringing, just wasn’t a cook. From her, it was “here’s the Kraft Macaroni” or being handed […]
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